ASA Symposium

The volunteer sign-up form is now open! Help us make the 2023 ASA Symposium a huge success by volunteering.
Stepping forward to lend a hand at the 2023 ASA Symposium is a great way to get to know your colleagues from other institutions, and is a lot of fun too! For those wanting to become more involved with the Assyrian Studies Association, it’s also a great first step to help you learn more about the work our volunteers do. Commitment and responsibilities are small, and the rewards are great. Please note our volunteer opportunities are open to all.
If you would like to volunteer, please complete the online volunteer form below and select the position you are interested in. Assignments will be confirmed prior to the Symposium. Thank you!
Deadline to Apply as a Volunteer is June 30, 2023
Apply to Join the SymposiumTeam as a Volunteer
Positions to Apply For:
Registration - Volunteers greet attendees, answer questions, and distribute Symposium packets, allowing you to get acquainted with your colleagues quickly. Shifts last for two hours.
Symposium Concierge - The Symposium Concierge is staffed throughout the entire symposium and provides the latest information on sessions, sign-up sheets for networking dinners, assists with navigating around Stanford Humanities Center, and provides general Symposium information, lost-and-found Volunteers help our colleagues continue to stay connected with attending the Symposium. Shifts last two hours, and coordinate with one session.
General - Volunteers help usher, aide Symposium Team members, and perform a variety of miscellaneous tasks needed to help run the Sympsoium.

Let's Work Together
Are you interested in volunteering at ASA's Annual Symposium? If so, we are looking for volunteers like you who can help us during the event! To learn more, click here.